
Showing posts from December, 2018


*THIS IS A YEAR OF CONSOLIDATION, ADEBOYE TELL NIGERIANS* The executive chairman of Irewole North-East LCDA Hon Adeboye Opeyemi while welcoming Nigerians in to the new year which herald new beginnings, hope and better future said 2019 is a year of consolidation. In his new year message available to reporters, Hon Adeboye Opeyemi quotably said every end marks a new beginning. Keep your spirits and determination unshaken and you shall always walk the glory road. You have made my year exceptionally uncommon and I wish this continues forever. Together we shall move to the NEXT LEVEL as we diligently work for the future of our dear nation Nigeria. With courage faith and great effort, we shall achieve everything we desire. Let's work together to consolidate the achievements of our government in the past years.  I wish you a Happy New Year.

Apomu, Ikoyi roads construction will start in January ~Gboyega Oyetola assures

Apomu, Ikoyi roads construction will start in January ~Gboyega Oyetola assures Governor of the state of Osun - Mr. Gboyega Oyetola has assured the people of Apomu and Ikoyi that construction of inner roads within the towns will commence in January, 2019. The state governor stated this during a visit by Ministry of Works led by Hon. Omowaye Oluremi and accompanied by deputy governor of the state, Mr. Gboyega Alabi to the affected areas. Mr. Gboyega Alabi assured people of Apomu and Ikoyi of government readiness to repair all bad roads in the ancient towns with construction take off as January 2019. Mr. Alabi who represented governor Gboyega Oyeyola during the visit raised hope of the people of Apomu and Ikoyi that their major roads problem would be solved very soon. The team leader of  Ministry of Works, Mr. Omowaye Oluremi on behalf of the ministry said government will not construct roads only but will also solve all problems that would caused the road to spoil by dredging waterw

Osun Dep.Gov felicitates with Hon Adelakun and his wife* _on their 65th and 60th respective birthday celebrations

Osun Dep.Gov felicitates with Hon Adelakun and his wife* _on their 65th and 60th respective birthday celebrations._ The Deputy Governor of the state of Osun Mr Benedict Olugboyega Alabi has felicitated with a chieftain of the APC in the state Hon. Olu Adeoye Adelakun and his wife Mrs Anthonia Abiobun Adelakun on their 65th and 60th respective birthday anniversary celebrations. Mr Alabi who joined the family members, friends, business and political associates as well as well wishers to identify with the celebrants today at a Thanksgiving service and a reception programmes to mark the birthday anniversary held at Sacred heart Catholic Parish Oke-fia and Ultimate civic centre, Adejumo street Alekuwodo all in Osogbo, described Hon Adelakun as a man of humility, steadfastness and he is religious to the core.  Mr Alabi commended Hon Adelakun for always being committed to the cause of progressives. He enjoined the celebrants to continue to make themselves available to the service of G

PHOTO NEWS : The Deputy governor State of Osun Mr Benedict Alabi joins the entire family of Hon. Adelakun

PHOTO NEWS : The Deputy governor State of Osun Mr Benedict Alabi joins the entire family of Hon. Adelakun at the Sacred Heart Catholic Church, Oroki Housing Estate, Oke Fia Osogbo to celebrate their 65th and 60th Birthdays Respectively...

Osun Dep. Gov storms Ijebu-jesa, Ibodi, Modakeke and Ijabe. Solicits support for APC candidates for 2019

Osun Dep. Gov storms Ijebu-jesa, Ibodi,  Modakeke and Ijabe. Solicits support for APC candidates for 2019. The State of Osun Deputy Governor Mr Benedict Olugboyega Alabi has said the people's votes for The ruling All Progressives Congress APC candidates for 2019 general elections from Presidential to the  National and State houses of Assembly elections come February 19 and March 3, 2019 would guarantee stability of good governance in the country and the state in particular. This, according to Osun Deputy Governor would not only pave way for more development but also  for the  continuity of the people oriented policies and programmes that would further give  people a new lease on life. Mr Alabi while speaking in Ijebu-jesa, Ibodi and later in modakeke at  different events expressed the commitment of Governor Gboyega Oyetola's administration to leverage and further improve the living condition of the people particularly the rural dwellers through the regular support of gove

Ikire plank sellers and community leaders appreciate government of Gboyega Oyetola as deputy governor reassures continuous development

Ikire plank sellers and community leaders appreciate government of Gboyega Oyetola as deputy governor reassures continuous development The Ikire plank sellers has commended the government of Mr. Gboyega Oyetola for starting on a very good note. They stated this during a courtesy visit by deputy governor of the state, Mr. Benedict Alabi to their operational base at Orisunmibare, Ikire in order to show his appreciation and sensitise them on what is expected of them during the coming elections. Mr. Gboyega Alabi vowed to solve all issues surrounding non thriving of their business and pledged to improve on electricity supply to help grow their business more. While given his remarks; the chairman of plank sellers association (Ikire Chapter) - Alhaji Baoku Babalola congratulated Mr. Alabi for their victory at the poll after a keenly contested election. Mr. Babalola used the avenue to registered their concerns on areas where government need to improve on especially levies collection metho


THE CHAIRMAN IREWOLE L.G, HON. REMI ABBAS REJOICE WITH CHRISTIANS ON THE CELEBRATION OF XMAS. The chairman facilitates with all christian brothers and sisters in Ikire and Nigeria at large on xmas. The chairman believe this season is another opportunity to reflect on the imagery of the humble, symbolic and divine birth of a young child thousands of years ago in Bethlehem, Judea and the message of hope, compassion, salvation reconciliation and peace that Jesus christ embodies and conveys. Hon. Remi Abbas said, christmas is a time for showing love , he now urge christians to draw inspiration from the teachings of Jesus christ and also sees it ad a great opportunity to show love to one another and encourage unity by spending quality time with friends, families and less privilege.  With the general election around the corner and  heightened political activities around the country, The chairman charged the entire people of ikire to be commited to free and fair election.  Hon. Re

APC Irewole LG sues for peace as party felicitate with all Christian faithfuls on the Yelutide festive.

APC Irewole LG sues for peace as party felicitate with Christian faithfuls on the Yelutide festive. Chairman Irewole Alhaji Arimiyau Owoade on behalf the party executives and elders of the party in irewole local government, rejoice with Christian faithfuls in Ikire, irewole, LG Osun and Nigeria at large on the celebration of the birth of Jesus Christ. The party urged Nigerian to let the preaches of the Jesus Christ take part in our life, in promoting, peace, love and unity among our divides. Happy celebration.
OLUGA WISHES ALL NIGERIAN, ESPECIALLY PEOPLE OF HER FED. CONSTITUENCY A MERRY CHRISTMAS. On this Christmas Day, December 25, 2018 Hon Taiwo wishes all people from Her federal constituency, Irewole, Isokan and Ayedaade and Nigerians a wonderful commemoration and ..celebration of the birth of Jesus Christ, the Redeemer and the Saviour of Mankind. Jesus is the reason for the season, it symbolizes the greatest gift to mankind, and it brings hope, life, peace, joy, happiness, freedom and love to mankind. May the blessings of God that transcend all understanding abide with all of us this season. May the joy of the birth of Jesus bring the much desired Justice, peace and progress constituency, State and our Nation. Amen!!!


ADEBOYE CHARGED CHRISTIANS TO UPHOLD THE TENETS OF CHRISTENDOM ON CHRISTMAS DAY.... "We are better throughout the year for having,in spirit,become a born again at Christmas time" The chairman Irewole North-East LCDA Hon Adeboye Opeyemi has on the occasion of Christmas charged Christians to uphold the tenets of Christendom. In his Christmas message, Hon Adeboye Opeyemi said there are virtues of our Lord Jesus Christ which is expected to illuminate in the life of a Christians no matter the post you might be occupying.  In this time of Christmas, the chairman Irewole North-East LCDA urge Christian brethren to be their brothers keeper and reinvigorate that love amongst themselves for a better society. Conclusively, he urged the Christians family to remain steadfast in their prayer cum commitment to a better Nigeria and that he prayed we all live to see another Christmas.


TRIBUTE TO AN IRREPLACEABLE ALLY: COMRADE SARAFADEEN BOLADALE HASSAN Though death is inevitable for every living being, the news of your death came to me and other associates as a shock and a rude reawakening of the transient nature of our existence. Your death has created several holes that would be forever difficult to fill. As a friend of about fifty years (50); in those years, you proved to me that friendship transcend mere words or appellation but a firm commitment to one another. You demonstrated on many occasions that no one knows and have it all. Your idea of friendship is premised on given and you gave your all while alive. As a politician, you were known for your astuteness and strong believe in the tenets of popular democracy. Your ultimate life-goal is an ideal society where equity reigns supreme. I recall at the outset of the IleriOluwa movement, you were among the first of friends who accepted the movement and gave your all to ensure its survival in Irewo

State of Osun Deputy Governor Benedict Gboyega Alabi's Christmas message

State of Osun Deputy Governor Benedict Gboyega Alabi's Christmas message I rejoice with you fellow citizens of the State of Osun as we celebrate Christmas, the birth of Jesus Christ which symbolises the love of God for mankind We should allow Jesus’ message of love, peace and humble living to be our guiding light. I urge us to continue to support and rally round Governor Gboyega Oyetola's government by continuing to contribute our own quota towards transforming our state to a prosperous one. As the year 2018 gradually winds down, it is the promise of Governor  Oyetola to continue to run a credible and an all-inclusive government to make life more meaningful for our people. I therefore urge us to support the avowed commitment of our amiable Governor in his effort to develop the economy of the state for the wellbeing of the generality of people. I implore us all to  show love to our fellow citizens as we go about celebrating the birth of Jesus Christ.  I wish you a

I’ll Bring Back Defectors From APC – Oyetola

I’ll Bring Back Defectors From APC – Oyetola Ahead of the 2019 general election, Isiaka Gboyega Oyetola, Osun State governor, has promised to work towards bringing back into the fold all those that defected from the ruling All Progressives Congress (APC) before the September 22, 2018 governorship election. Governor Oyetola who gave the promise at weekend during the annual Iwude Cultural Festival held in Ilesa said that he has commenced efforts to ensure that all of them were brought back into the party. The governor who assured to run an all-inclusive administration also called on the people of the state to vote for APC candidates in the February 16 and March 2, 2019 general elections to complement his election. He explained that all ongoing infrastructural projects across the state especially the Ilesa water project would be completed by his administration. Oyetola who was the chief guest of honour, promised that work would continue non-stop in the Ilesa water project and

Federal govt opens P-yes portal for registration.

How to register for The P-Yes is just simple as you did this O'yes and Npower. The scheme will be accessible to the literate, semi-literate and the non-literate population. The threshold for qualification is set at the basic ability and capacity to learn and be teachable. In addition to the fore going, the following is set as the basic pre-conditions for enlistment; Applicant must be a Nigerian male or female between the ages of 18 and 40. Applicant must have a means of identiÒcation (National Identity card, International Passport, Permanent Voters Card￾PVC). Applicant must provide a Second Level BeneĆciary (SLB) to qualify for beneĆtting from the scheme. Ability to communicate in Basic English language and or any local Nigerian language. Provable upright character and a stable mind. Applicant must provide a guarantor preferably a community or religious leader. Ability to secure the endorsement of a local government social. Beneficiary should posses the capac


FORTUNATE SISTERS PAYS CONDOLENCES VISIT TO COMR HASSAN FAMILY* The President of Fortunate Sisters Mrs Funmilayo Hasstrup on behalf of the entire members uses this medium to bid farewell to our dear Comrade Hassan farewell  إِنَّا لِلَّهِ وَإِنَّآ إِلَيۡهِ رَٲجِعُونَ We surely belong to Allah and to Him we shall return. Quran 2,156 Our prayers is that May Allah s.w.t. in his mercy, grant him rest, may his grave be a part of Jannatul Firdaus and an abode of light. May Allah make him pass successfully in all the stages of the life after death. Ameen. O Allah, forgive and have mercy upon him, excuse him and pardon him, and make honorable his reception. Expand his entry, and cleanse him with water, snow, and ice, and purify him of sin as a white robe is purified of filth. Exchange his home for a better home, and his family for a better family, and his spouse for a better spouse. Admit him into the Garden, protect him from the punishment of the grave and the torment of the Fire.

APC, Ikire and Osun has lost a patriot ~ Benedict Alabi

APC, Ikire and Osun has lost a patriot ~ Benedict Alabi & It is with great shock that I received the news of the sad and untimely demise of Comrade Hassan who was before this sudden transition to high heaven a brother, committed campanion, loyal member of our dear party - APC and great lover of his town; Ikire. On behalf of the government of the state of Osun and my humble self, I convey our heartfelt condolence to the entire bereaved family, relatives, friends, party and colleagues of Comrade Hassan  comrade who lived a noble life that is full of selfless service to humanity. He was a distinguished son of Ikire and patriot who has left an indelible imprint in the history of the community. Indeed, Comrade Hassan played a critical role in the unity of All Progressives Congress in Irewole local government and the entire Ikire community throughout his sojourn in life. I share with the bereaved family and all the good people of Osun and Ikire in particular the sad f

2019: Osun PDP Senatorial candidate sells off fuel station

2019: Osun PDP Senatorial candidate sells off fuel station There are strong indications that Osun West Senatorial candidate of the People's Democratic Party , Akogun Lere Oyewumi has started selling his properties to fund his campaign. An insider account on Thursday December 20, 2018 revealed that cash crunch hit the notable politician, and he has sold his fuel stations in Osogbo and Ikire areas of the state to fund his campaign. The deal, according to the source, was sealed for N40 million naira  each. This, the source disclosed further, was not unconnected with the cold shoulder the candidate was receiving from his supposed sponsors. The insider lamented that Lere should have known that his supposed financiers always keep their resources within their family and only interested in whatever favours their family. The politician was said to have been running from pillar to post consulting, to ensure victory at the polls and also get off the hook of a suit slammed against hi

P-YES is another empowerment programme of the President Muhammadu Buhari administration's job creation

P-YES is another empowerment programme of the President Muhammadu Buhari administration's job creation   (Kindly share please) initiatives, administered through the Office of the Senior Special Assistant to the President on Youth & Students Affairs (OSSAP-YSA), which to empower 774,000 youths with startup tools and not cash.  Apply now at

Oyetola sues for continued peace as Osun Governor joins Parliament Christmas Carol.

Oyetola sues for continued peace as Osun Governor joins Parliament Christmas Carol. Governor of the state of Osun Mr Gboyega Oyetola as called for continued peaceful coexistence and tolerance among the people for the continued progress of the state. Governor  Oyetola attributed the peace, tranquility and accelerated development being witnessed in the state in the last few years to the quality leadership, unwavering commitment and the politics of progress  by the state legislature. He acknowledged the fact that Osun house of assembly has been ranked among the most  purposeful  state houses of assembly in the country. Governor Oyetola stated this in Osogbo at the Christmas carol songs organised by the state of Osun house of assembly held at the Christian Chapel in the assembly  complex. He said the fifth and the current sixth assembly has laid a precedence in the history of state house of assembly. The Governor represented by his deputy Mr Benedict Olugboyega Alabi said what t

It is APC, Benedict Alabi that bailed Ikire out of darkness; PDP Leader's claim is a ruse

It is APC, Benedict Alabi that bailed Ikire out of darkness; PDP Leader's claim is a ruse Akinyemi Mujahid It has become necessary to inform the public, especially people of Ikire to disregard all lies and propaganda trailing around by one of PDP leaders in Irewole local government for claiming victory of Ikire electricity supply after years in darkness to hoodwink his gullible followers. The assignment before APC government and Deputy Governor in particular; Mr. Gboyega Alabi is beyond having issue with any enemy of progress, self-centered politician parading himself as PDP leader in Ikire. According to what we gathered during a PDP Irewole local government meeting held yesterday at Ikire town hall, Mr. West Lokan lied to his gullible followers and party members that, it was his efforts that took Ikire out of darkness. I say this with sense of responsibility that It is a falsehood taken too far. We enjoy our people to take this lie as one of his usual manners. Also, tr

Bumper havest await Farmers in Osun, as Gov Oyetola vows to give Agriculture, the deserved attentions in its priority profile.

Bumper havest await  Farmers in Osun, as Gov Oyetola vows to give  Agriculture, the deserved attentions in its priority profile. The avowed commitment of the new government in the state of osun  under the leadership of Governor Gboyega Oyetola to revive, revitalize and put agricultural sector in its rightful position in a way to maximize its full potentials for the economic sustainability of the people of osun  has begun to manifest. This was as a result of declaration by Governor Oyetola to consolidate on the agricultural land expansion programme (the land bank) with additional target of 20,000 hectares to the land bank and to  establish nine new farm settlements in each of the nine federal constituencies in the state and also to push forward on his promise to establish agro-industrial parks and produce markets in the state. Governor Oyetola announced this in Ago Owu, in Ayedaade Local government area of the state during the 2018 Farmers Open Day tagged 'Odun alagbinla'

Adeboye, urges all to emulate the ways of Jesus Christ in this Xmas season and to allow his thoughts be our watchword.

I implore us all to emulate the ways of our Lord Jesus Christ this Christmas season -Hon Adeboye Opeyemi Hammed Abayomi "Christmas is the season of joy, of gift-giving and of families united. Peace on earth will come to stay when we live Christmas everyday" Washington Irvin On the occasion of Christmas Carol held at Nulge hall of Irewole local government secretariat by the Christian staff of the Council, the chairman of Irewole North-East LCDA Hon Adeboye Opeyemi has urged the Christian fold to emulate the ways of Jesus Christ and more importantly in this yuletide period as it what stands them out among their peers. While speaking at the colourful event, Hon Adeboye Opeyemi reminded them of the need to be grateful for being among the chosen one to witness another Christmas despite being an election year and that many people have lost their lives. He urged the gatherings to imbibe the act of praying for their community, religious leaders and notably political leader


FULL SPEECH OF PRESIDENT BUHARI AT THE #2019BUDGETPRESENTATION December 19, 2018 This is my last Budget Speech to the 8th National Assembly. “Today, we will review economic development over the last three-and-a-half years with emphasis on 2018. We will also highlight the budget for 2019. “The last three-and-a-half years have been challenging both home and abroad. Both oil and non-oil markets have been volatile. There have been disruptions in oil production in the country. However, we have cause to be optimistic about the future. The economy has recovered from recession. We have done more work with less resources in Agriculture, Social Development and Infrastructure. We have intervened several times to support states in the payment of salaries. The Federal Government has also sustained its efforts to curb corruption through the comprehensive cooperation of the single treasury account. We have also made efforts to end the insurgencies in affected areas of the country. We th


BUHARI PRESENTS N8.83trn BUDGET FOR 2019 President Muhammadu Buhari on Wednesday unveiled a federal budget of N8.83trn for the 2019 fiscal year. The figure came in the 2019 Appropriation Bill presented by the President to a joint session of the National Assembly in Abuja. The News Agency of Nigeria reports that the 2019 total budget estimate is N300bn lower than the N9.1bn being implemented for the current fiscal year. According to Buhari, N4.04trn or 50.31 per cent is earmarked for recurrent expenditure and N2.03 trillion representing 22.98 per cent earmarked for capital projects. Other estimates are N492.36bn for statutory transfers; N2.14trn for debt servicing and provision of N120bn as sinking fund. He explained that the sinking fund would be used to “retire maturing bonds to local contractors”. The 2019 budget proposal is based on an oil production estimate of 2.3 million barrels per day and an exchange rate of N305 to a dollar. Other benchmarks are: real Gross D


DEATH OF ALEX BADEH, SAD AND UNFORTUNATE – PRESIDENT BUHARI President Muhammadu Buhari has described the killing of former Chief of Defence Staff, Air Chief Marshal Alex Badeh (rtd) as “very sad and unfortunate.” The President commiserates with the family of the late four-star general, his friends and professional colleagues in the military, and the people and government of Adamawa State. Noting that the late Badeh, who was also a former Chief of Air Staff, attained professional fulfilment in his over three decades military career, President Buhari regrets that he fell victim to incidence of violent and fatal attacks on the nation’s highways. He directs security agencies to find the killers of the 15th Chief of Defence Staff and bring them to face the full force of the law, while ensuring greater security and safety for all users of the country’s roads. The President prays that God Almighty comforts all those who mourn Air Chief Marshal Badeh and grant his soul peaceful rest.

PNAOSS 2018; WISDOM PRINCE promises to prioritise students welfare as he picks 2018 presidential nomination form.

PNAOSS 2018; WISDOM PRINCE promises to prioritise students welfare as he picks 2018 presidential nomination form. The Presidential aspirant  for the National Association of Osun State Students (NAOSS) National Headquarter in the forthcoming (NAOSS) Congress slated for this week Saturday 22nd of December 2018, Mr Abdullahi Tadese popularly known  as 'WISDOM PRINCE' has vowed to vigorously pursue the welfare of the members of the noble association and to initiate policies and  programs that would be channeled towards taking the association to the next level. Mr Tadese  made the vow while  declaring his intention to contest for the number one seat of NAOSS the Osun state chapter. Mr Tadese  while unveiling his manifesto which He tagged *STUDENTOCRACY 2018/2019,* the Government of the Students by the students and for the students",solicited for the support of members of the students association in the coming Congress. He assured that if elected, his leadership would run

Irewole Elders Council praise Governor Oyetola and APC for number two seat given to Ikire.

Irewole Elders Council praise Governor Oyetola and APC for number two seat given to Ikire. The Elder Forum and people of Ikire in Irewole local government of Osun have expressed their profound gratitude to Osun governor, Mr. Gboyega Oyetola and All Progressives Congress (APC) for the opportunity given to one of them; Mr. Benedict Gboyega Alabi to occupy the number two seat in the state. The feat, according to the forum is unprecedented in the political annals of the ancient town which they described as a big favour for the entire people of Ikire both at home and in diaspora. The APC Elders Council stated this during a thank you visit to Osun Governor, Mr Gboyega Oyetola in his Office in Osogbo. The forum said the people of Ikire would continue to be grateful to the governor and APC for the honour done to them and for this, they pledge their loyalty and unflinching support for the new government and the ruling party especially in the coming general elections. The forum was led